hello vote

What is HelloVote?

HelloVote is the chat bot that gets you everything you need to vote!
Simply enter your number on this page or text HELLO to (844) 344-3556 and HelloVote will send you your polling location, early voting info, an “I'm voting” selfie badge, election day reminders including a handy calendar invite, voter ID requirements, streamlined ways to register to vote & more.
It's as simple as sending a few texts!
(Data & message rates may apply. Text STOP to stop all messages.)

Get started now

How does this work?

HelloVote asks you a series of questions by text message or Facebook Messenger, to help you register to vote and give you everything you need to get to the polls. In several states, your answers submit directly to state online forms for voter registration, so there are no paper forms to fill out! (No other service makes it this fast and easy.) In other states, we send you a pre-filled form by email or - if you don't have a printer - by mail. We include a stamped envelope, so to complete your registration you just have to sign and mail it.

We also provide links to your state's own online registration system, if they have one. (Some of these aren't mobile friendly, so mailing the form may be easier.) And as election day approaches, we send you all the information you need to vote, including your polling location, early voting info, election day reminders including a handy calendar invite, voter ID requirements & more.

Before submitting your registration, HelloVote will give you the chance to verify that your information is correct. Do not provide false information, as your state may consider that a criminal offense.

Why is this useful?

We believe voting should be as easy and accessible as possible. HelloVote makes the process of registering to vote as easy as possible, by removing all the barriers. It's fast. It's 100% nonpartisan. You don't need a printer. You don't need a computer. You don't need stamps for mailing things. You don't even need a smartphone - any cellphone will work! With so much at stake in the upcoming election, it's crucial that every eligible voter shows up and casts their ballot in November. Already registered? Please share this page (or our number 844-344-3556) and help get your friends registered!

Is HelloVote private?

HelloVote was created by Fight for the Future and the Fight for the Future Education Fund, which are nonprofit digital rights advocacy groups. We take your privacy seriously and we would never do anything shady with your information.

For more details, see our Privacy Policy & Terms of Service

Need help?

If you have any problems or suggestions, please use our feedback form. We will try to help you as soon as possible! If you need help with our SMS chat, you may also call toll-free 844-344-3556.